
The chipmunk adventure
The chipmunk adventure

the chipmunk adventure

To this day, there isn't a movie I've seen more times than The Chipmunk Adventure, nor has any movie brought me more happiness. And any film that I can watch over and over whether I am 5, 12, 23 or older is a great film in my eyes. Everyone has their random favorite from childhood that no one knows, and for me it's this movie. but nonetheless, it fills me with such a childish contentment while watching it. I'll be the first to admit this is a biased review because I have such a nostalgic fondness for THE CHIPMUNK ADVENTURE that I would never be able to give it a bad review. THE CHIPMUNK ADVENTURE never aims to be anything more then it is, harmless fun. It's really just a fun trip that is completely humble in it's ambitions. The comedy manages to constantly play to the kids so that they don't miss anything, but everything remains charming for the adults with enough nostalgia to keep them entertained. And the shock of seeing the Chipettes nearly forced into marriage by a child emperor is as well. The bits between the bad guys and a pampered puppy are very amusing. it actually boasts one of the best Animated movie soundtracks of the 80's if you ask me. One thing about the Chipmunk characters is that, despite the potentially annoying vocals, the songwriters always managed to write songs that were catchy without ever being grating. There's also a very sweet song in which the Chipmunks sing about traveling the world and we get to see them at major landmarks throughout the globe. Highlights include the Chipettes in a slightly risqué Arabian dance to calm snakes. Something about the film just clicks for me in a way few films do. But for me, it will always be a little known masterpiece. And to people who didn't love it as a child, the film will probably never be more then an enjoyable, yet forgettable, animated movie. THE CHIPMUNK ADVENTURE never was and never will be a film that soars thanks to an engrossing plot. However, as the chipmunks encounter exotic dangers, they are unaware that they are the pawns in a major diamond heist. The story is simple and elementary, having Alvin, Simon & Theodore compete in an around-the-world race with the Chipettes (Janette, Eleanor, & Brittany). In an age when Disney dominated the film industry in terms of animation quality and box office, THE CHIPMUNK ADVENTURE stands as one of the best animated films that Disney didn't produce in the 80's. THE CHIPMUNK ADVENTURE was a 1987 attempt to bring the old favorites back to the forefront of animation, this time on the big screen. THE CHIPMUNK ADVENTURE There are some movies that I could watch all my life and never grow tired of them, and this nostalgic favorite is one of them. I give it a perfect score, because it is perfect for what it is. I love this movie, and I honestly can't think of why anyone would walk away from this movie disappointed. The characters are impossible to forget, and the famous 'Boys/Girls of Rock 'n' Roll' seen has stuck with me for years. There are no REAL celebrity voices, no fancy computer animated effects, just good animation, kick-ass songs, and a really solid, enjoyable storyline. An adult who has not seen the movie before might find it boring, but if he/she does, then they are too warped by todays conception of what a 'good' animated flick is. I am keeping mine for me, and when my son gets old enough, we can enjoy it together. Not only is it great to keep and watch to remind you of childhood days past, but it is also a great film to keep in your family, and run through generations. I, personally, found the chipmunk show boring when I was younger, and I don't remember how I ended up watching this movie. The Chipmunk Adventure is just plain fun. You see animated movies nowadays, and with some exceptions, are usually lacking substance, and clean fun. At 21 now, I am still captivated by this extraordinary film.

the chipmunk adventure

Like many other reviewers of this film, I am an 80s child.

The chipmunk adventure